Immerse Impact StoriesVideo Stories
More stories from Church leaders, small group hosts, teachers, and Immerse participants.
Video Story: “It felt fresh…like reading it for the first time.”
Video Story: Melissa Wall – DeerGrove Covenant Church
Interview With Immerse Pilot Participant
Like many others of his generation, Duane Martin came to faith in college through the Navigators, a campus organization known for introducing people to the Bible right away. When it comes to the Bible, the Navigators are dedicated. Duane bought in fully, reading through the entire Bible every year, memorizing Scripture, and joining a church […]
Immerse Pastor Interview
What made you decide to do Immerse? Like most African American churches, we have a weekly Bible class that I lead. But I knew intuitively that our study of the Bible just wasn’t where it should be. Its strange, new Christians were pretty engaged, but veteran Christians rarely participated. When I would ask questions, they […]